What is this document for?

This document is just a loose collections of tips I've collected for Amazon interviews, it is specifically a more parsed down version of a document I give to my mentees / peers and just a collection of stuff that I've found constantly being asked for.

If you are an intern position, doing the first OA round can refer to: https://aonecode.com/amazon-online-assessment

The questions is behind a paywall but you can take the titles and go google it

Good link resource: https://igotanoffer.com/blogs/tech/amazon-software-development-engineer-interview

Refer to this for leadership principle questions to refer to. And can go to my written guide for passing the behavioral interview and see my video on my YT channel.

If you are doing the OA:

Final round for interns after the OA refer down below:

Amazon Structure

10 minutes of Leadership Principles